Open Notepad and edit the batch file watch_zip.bat.
Some important parameters used in the batch file
- Change the parameters: -to
-from to your own email address.
- Change the parameter: -server localhost to your own
mail server
- The parameter -watchdir "c:\tmp\watchdir" instructs
NetMailBot to watch the directory "c:\tmp\watchdir" for files to send as attachments
to the -to email address.
- The parameter -watchdelete instructs NetMailBot to
delete the files in the directory "c:\tmp\watchdir" after the email is sent.
- The parameter -zip instructs NetMailBot to ZIP
compress all of the attachments into one ZIP file and send it as the attachment.
Execute the batch file by double-clicking it in
"My Computer".
Go to the directory "c:\tmp\watchdir" to ensure the
files have been deleted.
Close the DOS command window by clicking on the Close
button or by pressing CTRL-C.
Check your email account Inbox for an email containing
a single attachment named "".