Open Notepad and edit the batch file mail_merge.bat.
Some important parameters used in the batch file
- Change the parameters: -to
-from to your own email address.
- Change the parameter: -server localhost to your own
mail server
- Note the use of -dsn "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\tmp\;Extended properties=Text;".
This is a normal connection string that instructs NetMailBot on
how to connect to the data.txt file. NOTE: You should have install latest ODBC drivers on
your system should you encounter any ODBC errors.
- -dbquery "SELECT * FROM data.txt" instructs NetMailBot
to select all of the data from the file data.txt. The file data.txt is considered to be a
psuedo database table.
- -dbemailcolumn "to" instructs NetMailBot to use
the data in the "column" named "to" to address the message to the data contained in that
column for the current row.
- The parameter
-bodyfile "c:\tmp\body.txt" instructs NetMailBot to use the contents of the file body.txt as
the email message body.
- -dbreplacementids
instructs NetMailBot to replace the strings with double-angle brackets with the data contained
in the mapped column for the current row. For example, in the message body, NetMailBot will
replace the string <<name>> with the data contained in the column named "name",
and will replace the string <<from>> with the data contained in the column named "from",
and so on.
- -personalize instructs NetMailBot to do make the replacements. Without
this parameter specified, NetMailBot will not perform any replacements.
Execute the batch file by double-clicking it in "My Computer".