How To Use NetMailBot


  1. If you have not done so already, please download and install NetMailBot on your computer.
  2. Installing NetMailBot will add its location to your system PATH. Including NetMailBot's location in the system PATH allows any program to find NetMailBot and also allows you to access NetMailBot from the DOS command line.
  3. Before you start, you will need to know the address of your email server, or SMTP server. For example, if your ISP (Internet Service Providor) is earthlink, the SMTP server is or If you don't know your SMTP server name, contact your ISP or network administrator to find out.


  1. Open a DOS prompt window.
    • Windows 95/98/ME: Start Menu->Programs->MS-DOS Prompt
    • Windows NT/2000/XP: Start Menu->Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt

  2. You will need three things to send an email:
    1. An email address to send the email to. Example, or your email address.
    2. An email address to send the email from. Example, or your email address.
    3. Your email server address. Example, or your email server address. If you don't know your SMTP server name, contact your ISP or network administrator to find out
  3. Type the following:
    NetMailBot -to {your email address here} -from {your email address here}
    -server {your SMTP server name here} (Press Enter)
    Once you type the above and press the Enter key, you will see something similar to to the following:

    Connecting to
    Preparing message
    Adding TO(1):
    Sending message
    Sending Message: 100%
    Mail sent successfully to 1 recipients
  4. If you see the text "Mail sent successfully", then you have successfully sent an email to the email address you entered.

    If you do not see the success message, check the error message that NetMailBot displayed.

    • Did you enter the correct email server name?
    • Did you type the to and from email addresses correctly?
    If you are still having problems, contact ExclamationSoft support for assistance.